Dear all, Below are the details for tomorrow's physical CCA training. Although we understand most of you are in the holiday mindset already, please continue to put in your maximum effort to attain the squad objectives.
Date: 6th November 2023
Reporting Venue: ISH Drop-off Point
Time: 1500 hours to 1800 hours
Batch 53: Attire: PT Kit
Sec 1s, you will be first be going through a drills session to perfect your turning and static drills. Use the resources we have sent you to ensure you don't come to training forgetting everything we've taught you during the school semester. This will be followed by preparation for your 3rd class drill test, which will be your first drill test to come. Do not underestimate how hard it is! Batch 52: Attire: PT Kit
Sec 2s, by now all of you should know that the final retake for your 3rd class drill test will be happening on the 7th. Hence, after a recap of your basic rifle drills, you will be going through a 3rd class theory and WOC preparation session. You should not be coming to this preparation session without any preparation on your part – instead make sure to read through the resources we have provided so far. If you have any questions, please dm any of your CLs before the training. In addition, we will be going through your Blue Beret song as promised from Term 3, so all of you are to memorise said cheer.
Batch 51:
Attire: PT Kit
Sec 3s, you are all to report at 1430 at the ISH Training Room 1. For those who have not passed your 2nd class drill badge yet, all of you should be aware that the final retake for your 2nd class drill test will be happening on the 7th. Hence, the entire day will be spent going through the various components of the test, such as uniform standards, theory test, and WOC. As a reminder, all HMTL OP students are exempted from this training due to the O-levels the subsequent day.
"Don't quit. Suffer now and spend the rest of your life as a champion." – Anonymous
Thank you, and God bless.
Yours Sincerely, SGT (NPCC) Jedidiah Eo Shuo
SJI NPCC Deputy Unit Chairman for Administration