Dear all, Below are the details for this week's physical CCA training.
Date: 10th May 2023
Reporting Venue: Foyer 2
Time: 1500 hours to 1730 hours Sec 1s: Attire: PT Kit (Bring NPCC Shirt) Sec 1s, we will be teaching you how to prepare your uniform this week. After that, you will have a Total Defense lesson this week for your Silver badge. Lastly, there will be a drill session to revise your drills. Sec 2s: Attire: Full NPCC Uniform Sec 2s, you will have a Total Defense lesson this week for your Silver badge, an orienteering lecture to help you in your ATC, which is coming up next week, and, lastly, a drills session where you will be learning a new drill, belok. Sec 3s:
Attire: Full NPCC Uniform (bring PT kit) Sec 3s, as CLs, we expect nothing but the best behaviour and standards from everyone. Reflect upon the feedback your CIs have given you and make this training even better than the last one. You will be running TD lessons for Batch 52 and 53, so be sure to give it your all to show the high standards of CLs. Following that, there will be a drill session where you will be learning a new advanced rifle drill and a short PT session.
Thank you and God bless.
Yours Sincerely, SGT (NPCC) Jedidiah Eo Shuo
SJI NPCC Deputy Unit Chairman (Admin)