Dear all,
Below are the details for the physical CCA training. CCA is held on Wednesday this week due to the Inaugural Assembly on Friday.
Date: 14th February 2024
Reporting Venue: Foyer 2
Time: 1515 hours to 1745 hours (This will be the default arrangement for all Wednesday trainings following this, given the Y4 dismissal timings.)
Batch 53:
Attire: PT Kit
Sec 2s, congratulations on the high pass rate for your 3rd class drill test! You will be learning a new set of drills this training, namely basic marching drills, in preparation for the upcoming Anniversary Parade. You are all expected to read up on the theory for these marching drills – namely hentak and cepat jalan. Following that, your Batch 52 seniors will be teaching you a few skills as part of their internships programme. We hope that you will be able to prove to us your resilience through these drill sessions, especially given marching drills are no easy feat.
Batch 52:
Attire: PT Kit (except for those who have yet to take UI)
Sec 3s, we will be running through your basic rifle and sizing drills this session. Following that, you will be given the opportunity to teach Batch 53 basic marching drills, where we hope to see your creativity and passion put on display! Lastly, your internship programme will culminate in 1 hour execution this training. For those who are to retake UI this training, you are to report at 1455 at Foyer 2 in Full Uniform, and we will commence UI prior to Opening Parade.
Batch 51:
Attire: PT Kit
Sec 4s, you will be running through your 1st class drills this training, followed by partnering with Batch 52 cadets for them to execute their PT internship. Please give them your fullest co-operation!
"Plans are nothing. Planning is everything." – Dwight D. Eisenhower
Thank you, and God bless.
Yours Sincerely,
SSGT (NPCC) Jedidiah Eo Shuo
SJI NPCC Deputy Unit Chairman for Administration