Dear all, Below are the details for this week's physical CCA training.
Date: 14th July 2023
Reporting Venue: Foyer 2
Time: 1500 hours to 1745 hours (CCA will end a little late, so do be prepared!)
Batch 53: Attire: Full School Uniform (No Tie) Sec 1s, report at Foyer 2 as per usual at 1500. After the Opening Parade and Fidget Test, you will be getting briefed on the upcoming Muster Parade. Following that, you will be visiting Whampoa Neighbourhood Police Centre, which we hope will be an enriching experience for all of you. Dismissal will be at the NPC, but the timing is unconfirmed. A repeated reminder to get your parents submit the PG form for the visit by tomorrow. Have fun at the NPC! Batch 52: Attire: Half NPCC Uniform Sec 2s, you will be having your 3rd Class Word-Of-Command assessment this training. All of you will be getting retested. You will have to issue the following commands:
All Static Drills
Full Turning Drills (at least 5)
All your dressing drills
Refer to the drill manual, which you can find at the Cadet Resources page of this site, if you need help. You will only have 10 minutes for each test. Some feedback from your WOC Training:
There were some of you who were uncertain and lacking confidence while commanding. Don't be afraid and project your voice loudly and clearly when giving the drill.
Don't do the drills sloppily if you're not the commander. It will impact your own score.
Commanders are not to fidget at all or look around.
Next, you will be going through CSI theory, and lastly, you will be having a rehearsal for your upcoming Muster Parade.
Batch 51:
Attire: Half NPCC Uniform (with Unit Tee) Sec 3s, you will be going through a campcraft session first, then proceeding on to your Muster Parade training. It would be good to revise and learning key rifle drills necessary for your muster parade (julang, baring, and angkat senjata), such that you can have the best standards as you will be serving as the GOH for the parade. The drill manual can be found at the cadet resources page of this site. The parade training will be long and tiring, but don't quit! You will also have some time to work on your Homefront Security course, which is compulsory for your promotion to SSGT.
"You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." – Zig Zaglar
Thank you, and God bless.
Yours Sincerely, SGT (NPCC) Jedidiah Eo Shuo
SJI NPCC Deputy Unit Chairman for Administration