Dear all, This week, our entire unit will be having physical training and below are the details for it. Date: 2 September 2020 Reporting location: Foyer 2 Time: 3.30pm to 5.30pm Sec 1s: Attire: PT Kit Sec 1s, in this training you will be learning revising your foot drills. Do remember to put in your best effort in training. Sec 2s: Attire: PT Kit Sec 2s, in this training, you will be revising your drills. You will also be learning marching this week, which is a very fundamental drill to master. Sec 3s: Attire: PT Kit Sec 3s, this week you will come together to do your PYA project. Do focus and cooperate with your squadmates to finish up your project by the deadline. Remember to bring your laptops for training as well. Thank you. Yours Sincerely, SGT (NPCC) Tanishq Gunasekaran SJI NPCC Unit Chairman
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