Dear all,
Below are the details for this week's physical CCA training.
Date: 24th February 2023
Location: Foyer 2
Time: 3:00pm to 5:30pm
Sec 1s:
Attire: PT Kit
Welcome to SJI NPCC, Batch 52! In this week's training, we will be focusing on learning basic drills so that you can take part in the Opening Parade along with the rest of the unit. Do remember to report in your PT Kit for this week's training.
Sec 2s:
Attire: PT Kit
In this week's training, we will continue revising your marching drills and we will also teach you new drills so be prepared. We will also be having a campcraft session to continue on where we left off so revise your knots as well.
Sec 3s:
Attire: ATC Attire (Bring PT Kit)
In this week’s training, we will be focusing on your campcraft skills needed for CCC. We will be mainly teaching you how to pitch a tent. After that, we will be having a quick drill session to improve your marching drills.
Sec 4s:
Attire: PT Kit
In this week's training, you will mainly be focusing on revising previously learnt drills, as well as learning some new drills. We expect your drills to be up to standard.
Thank you. Yours Sincerely,
SSGT (NPCC) Aidan Tan Zhen Xuan SJI NPCC Deputy Chairman (Admin)