Dear all, Below are the details for this week's training. Date: 12 April 2019 Reporting location: Foyer 2 Time: 2.30pm to 6.00pm Sec 1s: Attire: ATC attire Sec 1s, we will be starting off your campcraft syllabus with knot-tying. This skill will be very important in your NPCC journey. Knot-tying will be the foundation of your campcraft syllabus so do your best to learn it well do you can progress well with campcraft in the future. Sec 2s: Attire: ATC attire Sec 2s, you will be revising old campcraft skills and learning new ones such as tent pitching. This is in preparation for your upcoming campcraft test and ATC. Do pay close attention to what your CLs teach you so you will not have any problems with these basic campcraft activities in the future. Sec 3s: Attire: No.3 uniform Sec 3s, those who did not complete the test before, do give your best to pass this 2nd class test. Remember that you are now CLs of this unit so higher standards are expected. As always, please put in your best effort to learn and grow as a squad. Thank you. Yours sincerely, CPL(NPCC) Andrew Dillon Poh Jie Hao SJI NPCC A/Unit Chairperson
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