Dear all,
Below are the details for the physical CCA training.
Date: 2nd February 2024
Reporting Venue: Foyer 2
Time: 1500 hours to 1730 hours
Batch 53:
Attire: Full Uniform
Sec 2s, for those participating in the Road Safety Marshalling activity, as a reminder, you are to report to the Canteen Foyer at 1300 sharp with your belongings, especially a pen and water bottle in full NPCC uniform (school uniform with tie for those who are unable to wear), and you may leave class at 1230. There will be two way transport provided. For the remainder of you, this will be your first official WOC test. All the best!
Batch 52:
Attire: Full Uniform (bring PT kit)
Sec 3s, we will be progressing on from basic rifle drills to marching with rifles. This will consist mostly of marching drills that you have already been taught, but with rifles this time. Following that, conditional on good drill standards, you will have a brief RT session! Lastly, you will be briefed on internship projects for your batch, which we certainly hope will be an incredibly useful experience for your CLship journey. Additionally, to all those who have interviews scheduled for tomorrow, all the best!
Batch 51:
Attire: Full Uniform (bring PT kit)
Sec 4s, you will be first completing your PT test for the first 70 minutes of training. Following that, you will be learning new drills relating to slow march (tukar langkah semasa berjalan tukar, and tukar langkah langkah jalan perlahan/cepat jalan).
"Everything has beauty, it's just not everyone sees it." – Confucius
Thank you, and God bless.
Yours Sincerely,
SSGT (NPCC) Jedidiah Eo Shuo
SJI NPCC Deputy Unit Chairman for Administration