Dear all,
Below are the details for this week's physical CCA training.
Date: 13th January 2023
Location: Foyer 2
Time: 2:50pm to 5:00pm
Sec 2s:
Attire: Full Uniform
You will be having a uniform inspection followed by a drill session where you will revise on previously learnt drills. Make sure you revise your drills beforehand.
Sec 3s:
Attire: Full Uniform
In this week's training you will be revising all the rifle drills you have learnt so far. Please make sure you revise and practise some of the drills beforehand so you can be more prepared during training. See you on Friday!
Sec 4s:
Attire: Full Uniform
You will be having a mock WOC this training, make sure you revise your drills and do your best during this week’s training. Thank you.
Thank you. Yours Sincerely,
CPL (NPCC) Aidan Tan Zhen Xuan SJI NPCC Deputy Chairman (Admin)