Dear all, Below are the details for this week's training. Date: 19 July 2019 Reporting location: Foyer 2 Time: 3.00pm to 6.00pm Sec 1s: Attire: ATC attire Sec 1s, this week you will be revising your pegging and knots which you had learnt. Take this opportunity to master the knot-tying and pegging as we will soon be selecting cadets for the upcoming campcraft competition. Please remember to bring your PT kit as well. Sec 2s: Attire: PT kit Sec 2s, you will once again be practising your marching drills in order to polish them to be of the best standards you can give. Do put in your best effort as always. Sec 3s: Attire: ATC attire Sec 3s, this week you will be learning how to erect a flag for campcraft. This will be a key component in the campcraft competition so do pay attention and do your best. Thank you. Yours sincerely, SGT(NPCC) Andrew Dillon Poh Jie Hao SJI NPCC Unit Chairman
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