Dear all, Below are the details for this week's physical CCA training. On behalf of the CLs, I sincerely apologise for the late post. The Year 3s are quite busy academically during this period, so we seek your understanding.
Date: 21th July 2023
Reporting Venue: Foyer 2
Time: 1500 hours to 1730 hours
Batch 53: Attire: Half (NPCC) Uniform Sec 1s, report at Foyer 2 as per usual at 1500. We will be brushing up on your drills this training, specifically your turning and dismissal drills. Next, you will have an advanced CSI course and a rehearsal for your muster parade. Be sure to put in your best effort and pay close attention as you had previously missed one lesson already. Batch 52: Attire: Full Uniform (bring PT Kit) Sec 2s, please bring writing materials (pens and foolscap) for the training. As mentioned previously, you will be going through your uniform inspection and theory paper for the 3rd class drill test. For your reference, the briefing document is attached here. Do revise well as it would not be an easy test and, the standards you have shown us so far really aren't going to cut it. Following that, you will have a PT workout and your 2nd muster parade rehearsal.
Batch 51:
Attire: Full Uniform (bring PT Kit with Unit Tee) Sec 3s, you will be going through a brief 25 minute drill session first, and then a well-deserved RT session. Lastly, you will have your Muster Parade rehearsal. Keep up the good work on the commendable rifle drill standards as highlighted by the TOs! The parade training will be long and tiring, but don't quit! You will also have some time to work on your Homefront Security course, which is compulsory for your promotion to SSGT.
"You’re stronger than you think, so, keep going strong. Keep on training." – Unknown
Thank you, and God bless.
Yours Sincerely, SGT (NPCC) Jedidiah Eo Shuo
SJI NPCC Deputy Unit Chairman for Administration