Dear all,
Below are the details for the physical CCA training.
Date: 26th January 2024
Reporting Venue: Foyer 2
Time: 1500 hours to 1730 hours
Batch 53:
Sec 2s, this training marks your final preparation for your 3rd Class Drill Test. This will consist of a WOC practice: recapping the execution portion then focusing on commanding, as well as a review of your theory paper. Do extend your fullest cooperation to us throughout the training, as the test will not be an easy one and you will need to prepare well in order to pass. You may send any study guides you may have prepared so far for vetting prior to 1 Feb.
Batch 52:
Attire: PT Kit
Sec 3s, we will be revising all your basic rifle drills (Senang-diri, Sedia, Rusok, Turun, Hormat, Kekanan Lurus) with an emphasis on Hormat. All of you should revise your Hormat drill prior to training as it is not an easily mastered drill. Following that, we will be completing your Total Defense Silver module A. We expect prompt submission of the assignment as it is important towards your leadership and LEAPS progression.
Batch 51:
Attire: PT Kit
Sec 4s, given the OP level briefing in the afternoon, there will be no individual training session for the squad. The MPA has been sent out accordingly, so please check it out. Meanwhile, all OP CLs should report to the ISH Shelter at 1500 for your PT Test, which will last till 1600 and be led by your Raphael IC. Please refer to his message for further details.
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you've gotta put up with the rain" – Dolly Parton
Thank you, and God bless.
Yours Sincerely,
SSGT (NPCC) Jedidiah Eo Shuo
SJI NPCC Deputy Unit Chairman for Administration