Dear all,
Below are the details for this week's physical CCA training.
Date: 31st March 2023
Location: Foyer 2
Time: 3:00pm to 5:30pm
Sec 1s:
Attire: PT Kit
In this week's training, we will be focusing on improving your drill standards. A campcraft session will also be conducted this week. As such, we expect each and everyone of you to revise your drills and the knots that you have previously learnt during UTC.
Sec 2s:
Attire: Full Uniform
In this week's training, we will be covering a new drill, Hentak Kaki Hentak (Translation: Quick Mark Time from Quick March). Do learn how the drill is executed from the drill manual on Google Classroom. In addition, we will be having a Campcraft Session, during which all of your basic knots and lashing will be covered and a new knot will be taught. Do revise your knots and lashings. The campcraft manual will be uploaded on google classroom. Lastly, we will brief you on a new badge course, the CSSP (Community Safety and Security Programme).
Sec 3s:
Attire: PT Kit (Bring Full Uniform)
In this week's training, we will be continuing with WOC and interviews. There will also be a PT test at the start of training. We hope that you have trained hard for the PT test and we wish you all the best. Thank you.
Sec 4s:
Attire: Full Uniform
In this week's training, all of you will be able to experience being an FI. You will be assigned to your respective squads and help out along with the FIs of that squad. Do make sure you are familiar with the drills you are required to teach and also make sure to have a good rest. Thank you.
If you have feedback for training, you can submit this google form, so that we can make greater changes during our last months of CLship.
Thank you. Yours Sincerely,
SSGT (NPCC) Aidan Tan Zhen Xuan SJI NPCC Deputy Chairman (Admin)